Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I think I will undust my mother's sewing machine...

       While searching, (one more time), I discovered that in Greece we are in deep darkness, regarding cloth diapers! I meen all us not having any idea about cloth diapers, because the users-mamas already know about these stuff! (check out  "γαϊτανάκι"  and the "Hellenic Cloth Diaper Service")
    Abroad there are webpages shelling materials to sew you own cloth diapers (fabric, snaps, patterns for any kind of cloth diapers).
I have selected some webpages for you to take a look;

Wahm Supply

There are also some where, for free, you can get instructions, like;


If you want it, you can do it. Although it needs  some free time...
The modern working mother does not have much of the latter! Imagine bei=ng an amateur like myself! Then you need a loooot more of free time to sew the cloth diapers by yourself!

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