Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Where from can I buy cloth diapers?

In Greece you can find cloth diapers from "Lito", (I could not find any other "real" store)and these e-shops;

babynatural (Popolini, Lotties)
babyseeds (BumGenius)
ecobaby (Bambinex, BumGenius, Storchenkinder, Popolini, Mamabless, Disana, Grobaby, LoveyBums)
ecofamily (InmseVimse, Bambinex)
gabi (Popolini)
monogiapaidakia (ImseVimse, Swaddlebees, Real Easy, Motherease, Wonderoo, Econappi, Minki, FuzziBunz, Blueberry, Starbunz....that' all, I hope....)
mybabycenter (I only found cloth diaper's accesorize).

What I really did not like was that someone like me (curious!) cannot buy many different brands from a Greek e-shop. On the contrary you can find more than 30 brands from the e-shops abroad (mostly UK). So, you buy more with less shipping cost (buying from Greece different stuff would mean different shops therefore more shipping cost!)  
Me, I used the funkymonkeypants. I could pay trough Pay Pal, which was crucial. Emma was really helpful and I got my order after one week with only 3,5 pounds=4,1 euros (not bad...)
Even the price of the diapers was a little bit better than buying from Greece...

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