The cloth diapers come in two different fastening types: snaps ή velcro.
snaps |
velcro |
Velcro is easier to adjust but, after washing, you find it on anything (although there is a special place to attach them securely during laundry!) Snaps, on the other hand, do not have provide the easier way to put the diaper on your baby, but they do not destroy your fabrics.
Sometimes I close the lower row on a different snap, so that I have more space on the thighs. Some other times I close them not symmetrically. I keep looking how to do it better!
These moments I prefer velcro!
Simple and fast. You adjust it in dt time, exactly as you want it.
But when you open the washing machine, you always find a velcro that has opened from its closing position and is on anything....
At the end, what counts is what anyone prefers
This is why most companies have cloth diapers with both snaps or velcro.
My advise: test them both and buy the one that fits you better.
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