Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bumgenius organic

This is the first organic diaper I write about! I have to say that "organic" gives it extra points...

bumGenius Organic One-Size All-In-One

It is an All-in-one diaper and the company that makes them (cotton babies) is located in USA with a factory in Egypt too.The same company produces Econobum, Flip and FuzziBunz. There is also a non-organic diaper, but I will talk about it next time.

I liked:- That it is full of organic cotton! 
          - I have to admit that it fits very well!
          - I love the way it is sewed around the thighs! it is made in a way 
            that it does not leave the soaker to come out and leak! 
          - When my daughter is wearing them, her daddy does not say that 
            she has a "Brazilian" bottom! I mean that it does not have a big

I did not like: That the soakers are sewed... This means plenty of time to dry and you cannot use the extra soakers you might have! But there is a solution: remove the seam from the one side (check out how here). (Many thanks again to Chrysa from the forum of parents.gr)

I would change: Remove the stitches that attach the soakers on the wrap, of'course! Maybe also low their price a little bit....

Cost:22 euros, from Greek e-shops

Bumgenius Organic 

Check it out ...open

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