Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The apricot-jam-rinsing process...

I use cloth nappies 3 months now. I really like them! It is not too long but it is long enough to get used to the difficulties. One thing I can not get used to is the dirty cloth diapers with poo ...

Close your eyes and imagine.
ATTENTION, instead of poo use apricot jam on your mind, so that it will not get too heavy to think about ... 

Well, we are wearing a pocket diaper. Without folds without anything. We have the liner and all is good ... 

"Mamaaaaaaa my bottom is burniiiiiing" the alarm of the filled diaper, with apricot jam, rings! 
You clean the tooshie with baby wipes, if necessary wash it as well, put on the  clean diaper with the pink flowers and send your sweetheart to continue playing.

Here comes the difficult part ... You go straight ahead to the bathroom. You throw the wipes in the trash bin, the liner in the basin and you stay with a diaper full of apricot jam on the edges ... With toilet paper you just cannot get it of! So you follow the correct methodology saying that you flush it directly into the toilet with the shower water (there are specific devices connected to the toilet that do so, why not trying?). 
You try to loosen the apricot jam with water, not to splatter the toilet and not to get your feet dirty with the jam. Once you've made it (beware not to be seen by your husband and start whining that he is disgusted with the toilet now!) wrap carefully the diaper, drain as much water as possible, walk/run all the way to the balcony where you have the pail bag with the dirty laundry and then take a deap breath ...

If you have used an all-in-one diaper, with a million folds for the apricot jam to hide, you would lose, in adition, two pounds of sweat. 

If you have used washable cloth wipes, you should just forget about it .... 

If you made the mistake and did not use a liner, then start the washing machine right away, do a general cleaning of the house and take a shower with disinfectant for yourself .... 

Definately with a baby which is exclusively breastfed, things are easier since that apricot jam is soluble and you can wash the cloth diaper without rinsing it first.
But my daughter is 2 years old and I do not have this luxury ... 

I hope you understand why I still cannot get used to the apricot-jam-rinsing process... How about you?

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