Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Giveaway No5! Bio-D nappy fresh!

Some time ago a sample of Bio-D Nappy Fresh came to my hands. An "antibacterial, germicidal sanitizing powder for the safe, effective cleansing of re-usable textile nappies at low, energy-efficient temperatures".
I have to admit that I liked it, although I did not have lots of it to test!

As I was searching I run onto the greek e-shop sunny side. 
(I was looking for dresses but looked for anyhting relating to cloth nappies as usual!)

I asked Elina for more info and we ended up to this giveaway!
Since she has been using cloth nappies as well, she added also the  Bio-D washing powder, to the gift package.

Bio-D is an independent, family-owned, ethically motivated British company, dedicated to promoting the use of hypoallergenic, environmentally responsible detergents that have a minimum impact on the ecosystem both in their use and in their manufacturing process. Where possible, all raw materials are plant-derived and are obtained from renewable sources. 
They operate a strict policy whereby none of our raw materials or finished products are tested on animals. We have a fixed cut-off date of 1988. All raw materials are free from genetically modified ingredients; animal by-products and we are subject to scrutiny and approval by The Vegan Society, Naturewatch Trust, BUAV and The World Wildlife Foundation. 
These detergents do not contain enzymes, or brighteners, so we can try them on our cloht nappies!

So, you can participate in this contest through Rafflecopter, in the greek version of the blog. Only open to those living in Greece....
Good luck...

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