Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Velcro or snaps for daddies?

As I was reading the Tots Bots webpage, I show this:
 Aplix fastening – so no excuses for dad!
So the question popes out: how easy is it for a daddy to implement in the "cloth nappy" situation? 

From my personal experience, I know that:
1) they never choose the cloth diaper instead of the...normal one (It has to be lying next to them in order to get it)
2) they do not want to have anything to do with the dirty diaper, not even through away the clean liner! 
3) of'course they prefer velcro from snaps.....

I have been trying to convince any daddy to write his point of view... Is there anyone available?

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