Hello everybody. I began this blog because as I was searching around about cloth diapers, I got a little bit confused, so I said to share my experience with anyone who has questions, just like me. Everyhting started one and a half year ago...

Friday, August 26, 2011


This family company is located in the U.S.A. and all their products are produced there with local materials. 

I tryed the Pull-up Wool Cover and this was the first wool cover that I ever got. The covers are made from hand-dyed wool and the ends (at the waist and legs) are from undyed/untreated wool. This was a unique experience
I liked -The transparent organza bag in which I got the cover. 
            -The lanoline sample that they send me that will last for 2-3 months. 
            -That the wool cover is soft and you could not feel it "pinching" at 
              the skin at all
              Even at summer I used it without any hesitation! Or any irritation
            -That you do not have to wash it very often. Even after 2-3 washes, 
             although I thought that the lanoline will be rinsed off, the cover was 
             still waterproof.
            -The perfect fit at the legs and the waist. It is very elastic, without 
             leaving any skinmarks.
            -It covers enough body area so it can be used succesfully with any 
             fitted diaper.
            -The thread does not break, no matter how much you stretch the 
I did not like: With the fitted diapers the result is a little bulky. But aren't there all-in-one diapers that are bulky as well; (I really tryed hard to find something negative to mention...)

I would change: I would add some more vivid colours...Although I know that the result would not be as "pure" for the baby!   

Cost: 22,87 euros from the company's e-shop. Do not forget to add the shipping cost. 

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